
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 12:54:05


CIS is in the investigation and study and in the analysis foundation, through plans and designs CIS to manifest some enterprise to distinguish between other enterprise's characteristic and the sign, the mold enterprise in the social public mind the specific position and the image strategy.Simultaneously the CIS design also is in the information transmission design one brand-new idea design.It is the enterprise management and operation and in a marketing competition strategy part, is one of series projects which the enterprise plans.
CIS will propagandize the media which the enterprise will exist to obtain the visual transmission the unification, and will use the registered trademark effectively, enterprise standard character and essential factors and so on enterprise standard color, from advertisements propaganda, product, swathe and product instruction booklet and so on, until enterprise's building, the vehicles, the letter bamboo slip will gain ground w

也不怕大伙笑话,英语如何学,我搞了7.8年,就是学不上,我的最终要求能够通过英语4级,希望大伙不啬赐教 有没有迅速成为英语高手的方法啊?我只过了4级~~ 英语过级考试是不是只向全国开放到四级,而六级只对在校大学生或者成人高考大学生开放呢 公司要求英语8级而我4级都没过,面试时被问及该如何应对 学计算机的非要过4级吗?我只背“计算机英语”不行? 我有道英语题不会 大伙给看看 大伙能不能帮我翻译一下这段英语! 大伙帮帮哦,我提前谢过你们了 我的英语程度只过了大学4级,我现在想多学些以应付以后工作的话应该怎么学?学什么?请大家指教!谢谢 我英语过了六级,我很想出国,不管工资多少 ,我只想出去学一下英语口语