
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/05 01:38:09

By examining the determinants of Asia's financial crisis of 1997-98, it demonstrates why developing democracies are exceptionally vulnerable to breakdowns in communication between financial officials and the chief executive and outlines the disastrous consequences of such breakdowns.

Not too longer after the publication of the World Bank study, a ferocious Asian financial crisis swept through East Asia in 1997-1998. The financial crisis not only severely damaged many East Asian economies including the so-called little dragons, but also for the first time cast doubts among professional economists and financial markets participants concerning the robustness of development policies and institutions in these economies, as well as the Asian economic miracle story itself, despite a truly remarkable development record they had enjoyed. What are these institutional and policy weaknesses? What lessons can Taiwan learn?

分析在1997年金融危机中,货币当局抑制金融投机时措施的利弊 在97年金融危机是为什么对中国大陆的影响不大 97年金融危机中国用了什么代价使RMB不贬值 97年金融危机暴发时,香港的房地产为什么会大跌? 对于1982年金融危机,国际货币基金组织起到了怎样的作用 97年金融危机中索罗斯运用了哪些知识? 请问97年金融危机是怎么样产生的,国际金融机构是怎么样搞跨亚洲的? 97年金融危机时,中国坚持汇率不变时,不知道损失是多么的大啊 有金融方面的专家吗?可以推荐一本详细介绍98年金融危机的书吗? 07年金融联考是考数几?