
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 18:44:17
我们期中考试是模拟辨论赛“Freedom of Speech", 我们正方的论题是"People should have the freedom to express their opinions and views without censorship as long as it isn't libel or slander",反方的论题是“People should not be allowed to express their opinions as they wish",作为正方一辨,我希望大家给我想一翻掷地有声的一辨台词,时间紧迫,最近忙其他事去了,忘记准备了,help!

That people should never be satisfied with what they have and should always strive for something new and different seems to be a propensity inherent in human nature. We have all read in Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice that “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a large fortune must be in want of a wife.” This only testifies to one aspect, which is also a necessary condition, of human existence.
On the most abstract level, the spirit of dissatisfaction constitutes the very force that has propelled human civilization forward in the course of human history. Stimulated by the thirst for knowledge from within and challenged by the harshness of the environment from without, man has evolved triumphantly from the most primitive to the most advanced and sophisticated. If it had contented our pristine ancestors to dwell in caves or to lead their nomadic life, they would have remained some mere vagabond creatures, lurking in the unfriendly forests an