
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 01:29:07
Theatre deal spurs lawsuit

Toronto theatre titans David Mirvish and Aubrey Dan brought their fight for two Toronto theatres into the public eye when early yesterday morning a press release(新闻稿) from Dan revealed he had commenced legal proceedings against Toronto’s Mirvish Productions and New York-based Key Brand Entertainment.

At issue was the sale of the Panasonic and Canon Theatres to Mirvish, which Dan claims is in violation of the management agreement Dancap had signed with Key Brand.
David Mirvish called a press conference at the Canon Theatre early evening, where he came out smiling, cheerfully announcing his purchase of the two theatres, as the cast of We Will Rock You, in costume, surrounded him.

He said that the hit show had to close because of other bookings at the Canon. But he was going to reopen it July 16 at the Panasonic Theatre instead

随着昨天早上早些时候,一篇来自Dan的新闻透露了Dan已经开始了对多伦多David Mirvish剧院节目和New York-based Key Brand Entertainment进行法律诉讼,多伦多两大剧院巨人David Mirvish 和 Aubrey Dan 在公众前开始了他们为了两个多伦多剧院的战斗。
争议的问题是松下和佳能剧院卖给Mirvish,Dan声称这个举动违背了Dancap 和Key Brand签订的管理协议。
At issue was the methodology of pre-DNA blood typing.

David Mirvish 在傍晚早些时候召开了一场记者招待会,他在穿着“We Will Rock You”表演服的演员的簇拥下走上台,高兴的宣布他对那两家剧院的收购。


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