李英亮 英文名

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 01:06:51

我的名中有英亮 2个字,我知道取一个英文名字也是有讲究的,我想问问有没有男子的英文名中有英亮 2个字谐音的? 有含义的更好。谢谢大家了
首先一定是对 英亮 的谐音。 然后有一个好的含义。

请各位大虾们 多多指教!

Why is everyone asking about names in english and yet wanting it to carry the meaning of their chinese name? If you want to have a name that is presentable, never let it be translated or what so ever from for it will sound really bad. May as well choose a name from the internet. First, it's easy and quick and also, the name is just an indentification tag of yourself. I mean if you just take it off, you can be anyone. Thus, whether or not your english name carries that meaning of your chinese, I don't think it's a big deal. you can call youself anything. I mean i don't think there's a ENGLISH name with Y & L in side it at the same time so you can go online to search for some. There are some pretty good ones
