
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 17:10:43



记得刚分手那时,我常常向朋友问起你的情况,便知道了你和你的“ 白马王子”爱得昏天黑地,再后来你做了新娘。你的婚姻被许多人羡慕,公婆都是干部且很有社会地位,年轻的夫君也已是一个公司的部门经理了。你有了一个幸福的归宿,我真的打心眼里为你高兴。



你擦着泪水对我说,你现在过得很痛苦,由于家庭环境不同,你们婆媳、夫妻间都很不适应,你想离婚了事,希望我能为你出点主意。我突然想起了一位哲人的话:“结婚前,睁大你的双眼;结婚后,闭上一只眼。 ”但这话我怎么也说不出口,我现在或以后能做到的只是陪你坐一会儿。

Meet with you again, I was unexpected. I doubt that moment as if the people themselves admit, however, is you! Indisputable. I recognize you in the face of the moment flew slightest Xiuse, also hurried to Duoshan eyes open, then raised his head, you tried to Xiaoxiao, but very reluctantly very embarrassed laugh.

Despite our past is so sad story of the beautiful, now, to me, those events of the past is only the sky light cloud ears and the wind gently, Piaolai snatched away, never finishes not see the ripples of the beautiful, but I promise you, the coffee shops on the street to take a while.

To tell the truth, since you insisted on breaking up with me, I do not hate you too, although I have to love the man that you banished from head to toe in nothing, although I have therefore Yijuebuzhen a long period of time, but My heart has been Chung Dangzhe boundless blessings to you.

At that time, remember that just breaking up, I often ask your friend to