
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 09:03:54
In response to increasing highway speeds, the New York State Police undertook a comprehensive speed enforcement program focusing on interstates in the upstate region of New York.^A special target was professional speeders, drivers who exceed the speed limit by the widest margins and are able to evade the police through the use of radar detectors and CB radios.^The project provided for a structured implementation of ten different innovative and more traditional enforcement strategies and a comparison of the effectiveness and productivity of the strategies.^In addition, the impact of increased speed enforcement on vehicle speed and crashes was assessed.^Speeders tended to be male, under 35 years of age and driving passenger vehicles.^In general, the strategies, such as aerial enforcement, that did not use radar were more effective and productive with professional speeders than strategies using radar.^The exception was the single-Trooper radar operation called routine enforcement.^Althoug

在反应速度,增加公路,新的纽约州警察进行了全面超速的执法行动计划着眼于州际,在北部地区的新的纽约。 ^一个特殊的目标是专业超速,司机,谁超过的车速限制,由最广泛的利润率,并能为逃避警方通过使用雷达探测器和市民波段无线电对讲机。 ^该项目提供了一个结构实施10个不同的创新性和较传统的执法战略和比较的效率和生产率的策略。 ^此外,该影响增加超速的执法行动对车辆的速度和飞机进行评估。 ^超速往往是男性, 35岁以下和驾驶客运车辆。 ^ ,一般而言,战略,如空中执法,即没有使用雷达更有效和富有成果与专业超速比战略利用雷达。 ^例外是单trooper雷达操作所谓例行的执法行动。 ^虽然战略涉及飞机成本较高,每张票价,如其他好处,作为一般的阻吓作用,也应考虑。 ^该成本,每张票价,即使是最昂贵的策略仍是远低于平均罚款收集到的超速

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