来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/11 16:33:26
- -! 是介绍TAFE这种体系。而不是某个大学的TAFE课程。

你好,对于TAFE的英语介绍,TAFE具体为Technical and Further Education, 即技术和继续教育.

TAFE study in Austrailia has nearly 100 years history, and became a main party of Australian's Higher Education system as well as Bachelor, Master and PhD studies.

TAFE is designed for those people who are:

1. preparing for their first job
2. mature age people looking to train or retrain
3. people preparing for university studies

Also, in prticular to the Chinese students, TAFE is also a way of gain particular skills for those who have migration purpose.

Therefore, TAFE courses that are offered provide students with practical skills which have strongh relationship linked with relevant industries, also it is transferable to the workplace.


Jerry Chen
Canberra Institute of Technology
ACT Department of Education
China Marketing Officer
MSN: jerry_chen_2008@hotmail.com

澳洲TAFE有没有念英文专业的 澳大利亚TAFE 关于TAFE. 澳大利亚tafe Tafe 是什么意思?? 澳洲tafe tafe学校 求助TAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!! 什么是TAFE 澳洲TAFE