
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 07:05:33
看过了这部电影,同样是落入大海无论是20年前还是20年后,蓝玉那善良的心感动了我,小男孩长大了因为种种的遭遇,最后他们打破了世俗的偏见勇敢地走到了一起,磨难也阻挠不住爱情 它的力量真的很伟大,虽然是一部电影 但是这也是对现在的我们一个启发,往往因为个人的兴趣而对他人造成的伤害是不理智的!

After seeing this movie,no matter is 20years earlier or 20 years later,Lan Yu that heart inspire me.Because of the things that happened after the little boy had grown up,they broke the record of the prejudice of the world,and finally get together.The curcifixion also can't stop true love,the power is really huge.Although it's only a film,but it is also a illumination to us:always hurt others beacause of sb.'s interest is not reasonable!

Read the movie, is the same no matter to fall into the sea 20 years ago or 20 years later, the virtuous heart of Lanyu istouched my, the little boy grown up because of all kinds of the experience, finally,they broke the secular bias and they were brave to come together,hardships also can not obstruct the power of love.It is really great,although this is a movie but as us now,it is one of our inspiration,because of personal interest and the harm often caused to others is not rational!
