
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/12 13:16:58

人寿保险是以人的生命为保险标的,以生、死为保险事故的一种人身保险。当被保险人的生命发生了保险事故时,由保险人支付保险金。最初的人寿保险是为了保障由于不可预测的死亡所可能造成的经济负担,后来,人寿保险中引进了储蓄的成分,所以对在保险期满时仍然生存的人,保险公司也会给付约定的保险金。人寿保险是一种社会保障制度,是以人的生命身体 为保险对象的保险业务。对于每一个人来说,死亡、年老、伤残、疾病等都是生活中的危险,我们叫做人身危险。

Life is the life of the subject matter of insurance, health and death insurance for a personal accident insurance. When the insured person's life insurance in the accident, from insurers to pay insurance premiums. The initial life insurance is to protect because of the unpredictability of death may cause the financial burden, and later, life insurance savings in the introduction of the ingredients, so in the insurance expires when the people are alive, the insurance company will pay the insurance agreement Gold. Life is a social security system, a person's life insurance physical object for the insurance business. For each individual, death, old age, disability, disease, and so are living in dangerous, we called personal risk.