
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 06:32:42
摘 要:数学期望是随机变量的重要数字特征,它代表了随机变量总体的平均水平。在经济决策问题中有着广泛的应用,本文糸统分析了数学期望在各类经济决策中的实际应用,归纳总结了数学期望在经济决策中的主要应用类型,使之系统,完善。
关键词:数学期望; 经济问题;风险决策 ;决策树

Abstract: The mathematical expectation is a random variable number of important features, it represents the random variable overall average. In economic decision-making problems in a wide range of applications, the paper Shito integration of mathematical expectation in all types of economic decision-making in the practical application, summarized the mathematical expectation in economic decision-making in the main application types, so that the system, perfect.
Key words: mathematical expectation; economic issues; risk decision-making; decision tree