
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 02:35:04
人类文明的进步是尊重生命。上帝赐给我们生命, 谁都无权利用非自然手段把他终止,他的生命权 只有自然可以剥夺去! 我希望大家能往更深层次想 。
我认为:未来的文明世界 ,将是没有战争 ,人类说同一种语言 ,共同进步, 需求更发达, 更文明的过程 。
世界还存在杀戮 ,存在战争, 说明人类自身还不够文明 。这是一个长期教育的过程, 需要时间 。现在我们希望看到的是进步 ,而不是终结 。极端的方式只能改变现在, 无法促进人类文明的过程 。
在一段时间里, 我就一直在考虑这个问题: 现在人类的组织联合国大会既然提出了, 说明我们认识到了 ,是这个 "生命权" 要登上历史舞台的时候了。 所以就算现在存在很多弊端 ,我们也应该克服 ,而是遵循人类走向更高文明的路, 不要阻碍人类的发展 。但是,虽然我赞成最终废除死刑,但现在的中国现实可能并不适合废除,以暴治暴不能解决所有问题,就象暴力革命有不少后遗症一样,让我们先看看哪些国家是赞成废除的,哪些又是支持废除的,或者可以多些思考。谢谢 ,这是我个人的观点。

I agree with the abolition of the death penalty, the advance of human civilization is the respect for life. God has given us life, no one the right to use unnatural means to terminate him, he's only natural right to life can be deprived! I hope that we can think to a deeper level. I think: the future of the civilized world, will be the absence of war, Human said the same language, and common progress, needs more developed, more civilized process.
The world there are still killings, there are wars, that human civilization itself is not enough. This is a long-term education process, takes time. Now we would like to see is progress, is not the end. Extremism can only change the way now, can not promote the process of human civilization. In a period of time, I have been considering this question: Will mankind since the organization by the United Nations General Assembly, that we recognize, is the "right to life" to board the stage of history now. So even now there are