
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 00:26:30
摘要 本设计是以CK516立式数控车床主轴部件为主要内容。随着数控机床的普遍使用和发展,自动化程度的不断提高,主轴设计的是否合理便成为制约数控发展的一个重要方面。
关键词:主轴 精度 经济性 轴承

摘要design is CK516 vertical spindle CNC lathe parts as the main content. With the widespread use of CNC machine tools and development, the continuous improvement of the degree of automation, the main design constraints are reasonable NC will become an important aspect of development.
For the main components of CNC lathes, spindle power, transmission and the main component composition, it is the movement NC forming one of the important components implementation, so it demands a high precision of the operation, to maintain the accuracy of long-term and long Time running precision stability. So good spindle components designed machine tools will be able to improve the processing quality and productivity.
Based on the design and manufacture of mechanical design, CNC lathes and vertical CK516 the requirements and scope of application, designed to meet the main features.
Key words: spindle bearing accuracy of the economy
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