急求Magic Johnson在1992年的退役演讲原稿,英文版的,先谢谢了~!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 08:40:52
Magic Johnson在1992年的英文版的退役演讲原稿~!

First of all let me say good after -- good late afternoon.

Because of the -- the HIV virus that I have attained, I will have to retire from the Lakers -- today.

I just want to make clear, first of all, that I do not have the AIDS disease -- 'cause I know a lot of you are -- want to know that -- but the HIV virus.

My wife is fine. She's negative, so there's no problem with her.

I plan on going on, living for a long time, bugging you guys, like I've [sic] always have. So, you'll see me around. I plan on being with the Lakers and the league -- Hopefully, David [Stern] will have me for awhile -- and going on with my life.

And I guess now I get to enjoy some of the other sides of living...that because of the season, the long practices and so on. I just want to say that I'm going to miss playing. And I will now become a spokesman for the HIV virus because I want people -- young people to realize that they can