徵4篇英文poem: Love + Friend + Father + School

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 03:53:52
想要4篇英文poem 1: Love 2: Friend 3: Father 4: School

每篇要有4段 每段3行 每段要运用明喻或暗喻 每句都要押韵

我已经找了很久都找不到这4个主题 写得较佳的POEM作学习和欣赏之用 希望大家帮帮忙!! 谢谢各位!!


A Special World

A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.

Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.

And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.

- Sheelagh Lennon -

Friends smile at you.
They like your face.
They want to be with you
Any old place.

Friends have fun with you.
Friends share
They’re glad when you’re happy---
When you’re sad, they care.

If you’re a friend
Then you care, too.
That’s why your friends
Are glad you’re you!!!


Our fathers toil w