
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/26 03:11:23
在不少地方、部门,公务接待明显已经超出了“合理”范畴,成为腐败的一种重要表现,公务接待的规范和改革势在必行。规范政府机关公务接待,是推进行政管理体制改革、反腐倡廉、改进机关作风的一件大事。当前,我国政府机关在公务接待过程中存在诸如超范围接待、接待标准居高不下、假公济私、相互攀比等问题。在充分分析这些问题的危害及产生原因的基础上,结合我国政府机关行政管理工作的实际情况并且借鉴了一些国外经验,提出了一些规范政府公务接待的具体化建议, 如合理界定公务接待范围、增强财政预算的刚性约束、增强制度的可操作性、技术反腐、规范中央部门资源分配和监督权力的运作、强化监督、提高公务人员的思想认识等。并进一步指出规范公务接待要想真正落到实处,还要注意程序公正和加强法制建设。


In many localities, departments, official reception clearly beyond the "reasonable" areas, become an important manifestations of corruption, official reception of the norms and reform is imperative. Official government agencies regulate the reception, is promoting the reform of the administrative system, the effort to combat corruption, improve the bureaucracy in a major event. At present, China's government organs in the course of official reception in the reception area, such as ultra-received high standards, Jiagongjisi, mutual competition, and other issues. In the full analysis of these issues and causes harm on the basis of our government administration organs of the actual situation and learn from the experience of some foreign countries, made a number of regulating government official reception of the specific proposals, such as reasonable definition of the official reception, Enhance the rigidity of the budget constraints and enhance the system's operationa