
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 10:57:12

Positioning of new brands in an experiment
Vera Hofer·Klaus Ladner

Abstract This paper deals with an experimental investigation of positioning
new brands.For this purpose,a management game was carried out with stu-
dents.The brands introduced in the cause of the game were analysed in respect
to their positions in a two-dimensional feature space.We try to find out which
of the two strategies,niche policy and imitation,is more frequently used in
complex decision situations and if there is a difference in profits.Furthermore,
we want to find out,whether differences of prices and advertising exist in our
experiment depending on the positioning strategy used.
Keywords Product differentiation·Heterogeneous oligopoly·Imitation·
Niche policy·Complex decision situation

1 Introduction
Brand positioning aims at firms’designing their range of products such that their
products occupy a specific place