
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 08:37:55



1. 能否对原文进行非常准确的理解,这对翻译尤为重要。想要翻译好必须对原文进行全面的解析和理解,即使需要较长的时间和较多的精力,否则,翻译必败。

2. 能够进行两种语言文化间的切换。一些事物,在一种文化中可能很容易去理解,但在另一种文化中却难以接受。遇到此类情况,需找到差异点,直接把它译成读者能接受的东西;实在做不到,需讲明两种文化间理解的差异,由读者作出判断。


What is the purpose of translation ?

In my opinion,translation is to express some ideas.In other words,it is to convey the information accurately from a certain language.it is definitely unsuccessful when it cannot reach the basic goal.Therefore,I deem that accuracy should be the principle of translation.Based on that principle,all the work of translation should convert one language into another one accurately,thus getting the massage accross.Additionally,the veracity and aesthetic impression of translation should be placed only in the next place.Of course,I do not deny the significance of the two factors,but from where iI stand, these two factors should be subordinate to the accuracy.

The obstacles of translation:
1.Whether the translators have a keen insightof the original text plays a vital role in translation.That is,the full-understanding of the original text is the precondition of translation,so the translators should do it punctilious even though it