一定要英语的 迎奥运的诗歌(五年)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/10 00:47:07
快啊!快啊!拜托了!谢谢大家啊! 我明天套用的!

泥浆会流成清泉 (mire will become a stream of spring)
总有一天 (There will be a day)
莽林会生满春花 (wasteland will grow an ocean of trees)

总有一天 (There will be a day)
天空会看见土里的种子 (sky will see the seads in the earth)
总有一天 (There will be a day)
种子一定会发芽 (seads will burgeon and germinate)

不管是谁阻碍了我们的脚步 (No matter who prevents our steps)
也不管是谁歪曲了我们的真实 (No matter who distorts our truth)
不管是谁想要把我们从和平中剥离 (No matter who wants to keep us away from the peace)
也不管是谁想要把光明墨染成黑漆 (No matter who wants to turn light into blackness)

哦,听听我们的声音 (Oh,listen to our voices)
听听我们的声音吧!(listen to our voices!)

不管 (We will)
我们不管那些无谓的谎称和欺骗 (we will disregard those lies and cheats)
我们也不管那些无谓的琐衅和谗言 (we will disregard those defiances and deceits)
我们,带着从未有过的团结 (we will)
和从未有过的力量 (be with the solidarity and strength we never had)
我们,带着从未有过的勇气 (we will)
和从未有过的坚强 (be with the courage and support we never