有没有朋友帮我把这段话翻译成英文的啊。。。 千万不要用金山等等工具翻译。。是做毕业论文的。大家帮帮

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 11:28:30

with the development of the Internet business and networks-tech, networks are used widely into all fields of our dalylife, which greatly facilitate the social economy and works, life and study. Recently,the functions and systems are improved a lot,the system scales become more and more enoumous and complicated, however, their securities are confronted with various unsafe fator's threts so that any hidden faults and mistakes can result in unbelievable losses. Meanwhile people's need to computors are increasing, which is unchangeable and unreplaceable. And they are used in industry,agriculture,aviation and navigation, even the neuclear rediactive envirnment. They are more serious than that of the computer room so that it is highly required in the way of quality so as to reduce the unsafe factors and increase reliabilities. For this reason,the comunity's network security is also much important.