
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 04:05:59

她是毒手药王无嗔大师关门弟子,平生最快乐是两件事,一件是遇见胡斐,一件是为胡斐而死。她善良仁爱,一直默默地深爱着胡斐,无奈胡斐心中只有那如花似玉的袁紫衣,根本没有她的位置。最后,用自己的命换回他的一条命,用自己的死换来他的重生。 这个爱已成痴的女子,用生命作砝码,换来了自己在他心中的一点分量。值或是不值,外人又何以得知?也许,与其苦苦挣扎在欲爱不可,欲罢不能的漩涡里,还不如把自己永远留给他的记忆。所以,她用这种方式,在胡斐的心里,深深地刻上了“程灵素”三个字。或许只是平凡的七心海棠,只能随风而逝……

Xueshanfeihu of Cheng Lingsu

She is no Dushouyaowang close disciples of Master Chen, his life is the happiest two things, one is met Hu Fei, one for Hu Fei died. Her kindness and caring, has been quietly love Hu Fei, but only that Ruhuasiyu Hufei the hearts of the Yuan Ziyi, is not her position. Finally, with his own life in exchange for a life, with their own exchange for the death of his rebirth. This is a Filthy love the woman, with a weight of life, in exchange for his weight in his mind the point. Value or worth, how can outsiders know » Perhaps, instead of struggling in love to be, Yubabuneng affectionate, if not always to his left to his memory. Therefore, she used this way, Hu Fei in the heart, deeply inscribed, "Cheng Lingsu" words. Perhaps only an extraordinary seven heart Begonia, only the wind Ershi……