
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 01:47:59

National Treasure 国家宝藏 英语影评

“National Treasure” is a summer movie released a few months too late. It’s one of those big action/goofball plot/popcorn movies that does well during the long, hot days of summer. Why it’s hitting theaters smack dab in the middle of what’s unofficially referred to as the Oscar-hopeful season is a bit of mystery. Not quite as big of a mystery as what made the filmmakers cast Diane Kruger as Nicolas Cage’s love interest (I like her but she’s way out of her league in this film), but a head-scratcher nonetheless.

Have you read “The Da Vinci Code?” If so, then take that plot, spin it around until the whirling feeling leaves you woozy, and then transplant the story to America.

Remove the logical progression of events from “The Da Vinci Code” and you’ve got “National Treasure.”

Nicolas Cage stars as Benjamin Franklin Gates, the latest offspring of a long line of wacko Gates men who believe the Freemasons and America’s