英文版 桃花源记

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 06:28:55


  Once a time there was a fisherman whose native land was called Wuling, in
  the Taiyuan Period of Time of the Jin Dynasty [265-420], China. He was
  walking along a creek-riverside, with no sense of how far away from his


  All of a sudden, he was surprised to find a Peach-Blossom-Grove, and on
  both sides across the creek with hundreds-of-feet-wide land, no other
  trees but peach ones grow with fresh and sweet grass petals falling in
  riotous profusion.


  Going on forward, he wanted to pass through the whole grove reaching a
  fountainhead near a mountain. There was a small hole seemingly glittering
  in front of the mountain. And he left his boat, entering the hole as an
  open door being so narrow that only one man could press himself to