
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 18:03:04
在营销学中消费者学习被定义为:“消费者在市场交易和消费的过程中,由于自利本性的内驱力所使,对产品、服务以及各种市场行为的刺激、诱因、反应和强化的相互影响而获得的,用于指导未来购买或消费行为的经验和知识”。 在消费者行为学领域中,我们主要讨论行为学习和认知学习两种学习理论。与消费者行为学密切联系的行为学习理论主要有经典式条件反射和操作式条件反射理论。顿悟学习理论是认知学习的重要理论,本文主要探讨基于顿悟学习理论的消费者学习。

In the marketing of consumer learning is defined as: "the consumer market transactions and consumption in the process of self-serving because by the nature of the Neiqu Li, products, services and a variety of market incentives, incentives, response and strengthen The interplay of access, for guiding the future purchase or consumption of experience and knowledge. " In the field of consumer behavior, we focused on the study of both learning and cognitive learning theory. And consumer behavior closely linked to the main theories of learning conditions for a classic reflection and operation of conditioned reflex theory. Insight learning theory is an important cognitive learning theory, the paper focused on the theory of learning based on consumer insight study.