
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 18:26:17
信用证是随着国际贸易的发展,在银行与金融机构参与国际贸易结算的过程中逐步形成的,信用证支付方式在很大程度上解决了进、出口双方在付款和交货问题上的矛盾,它已成为国际贸易中的一种主要付款方式。随着我国对外开放的扩大和外经贸体制改革的不断深入, 有越来越多的企业加入到对外经贸事业中来。据统计,我国出口企业在对外贸易结算中信用证的使用比例高达80%。信用证在一定程度上解决了进出口商之间互不信任的矛盾,同时也为进出口双方提供了资金融通的便利,因此自出现信用证以来,这种支付方式发展很快,并在国际贸易中被广泛应用。信用证支付方式对国际贸易的开展带来了便利,但也为不法分子欺诈行径提供了可乘之机。近些年来,随着国际贸易的发展与竞争的加剧,一些不法商人利用人们对信用证的信赖大肆行骗,使得信用证支付方式的风险进一步提高。 如何进行外经贸企业的风险防范已经成为管理层所面临的严峻课题。我国外贸企业要及时研究不同时期的诈骗分子所使用的不同手段,以便应对。同时,要熟悉有关国际惯例在国际商事中应用及变化,并在内部健全相应的规章制度,以确保交易安全,避免不必要的损失。

关键词:信用证 结算 信用管理 风险 防范


Letters of credit, with the development of international trade, banking and financial institutions involved in international trade clearing in the process of evolving, letters of credit payment to a large extent solved the import and export both sides on the issue of payment and delivery of contradictions , It has become in international trade as a major form of payment. As China's opening to the outside world and the expansion of foreign trade and economic reform continued to deepen, more and more companies are joining to the cause of foreign trade. According to statistics, China's export enterprises in foreign trade settlement in the use of letters of credit as high as 80%. Letters of credit to a certain extent, resolved the import and export of mutual distrust between the contradictions, but also for the import and exp