
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 23:10:12
要简单点的 但不要小儿科的```谢谢了哒````````````

When visiting in a parish neighborhood, a pastor stopped at a house and asked the man who lived there to visit his church the next Sunday, mentioning at the same time that the man’s neighbor went to that same church. On hearing this, the man said he would never go to that church because he wanted nothing to do with a religion that would have a man like his neighbor in it. In fact, he said, his neighbor was the worst neighbor he ever had. The pastor, seeing that the man had a piano, asked the man’s young daughter if she would play a piece by Beethoven that was on the piano. The man said that Beethoven’s music was far too advanced for his daughter. Still the pastor insisted, and the girl gave it a try. Needless to say, she butchered Beethoven. After the daughter was finished, the pastor said, "Boy, that Beethoven sure wasn’t much of a composer was he?" On hearing this, the man suddenly understood that he, too, had been judging the music of Christian living by the player rath