
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 14:07:06
我马上要去澳洲迪肯大学 读大2的国际商务 想带一点专业工具书过去 但是不知道 那边国际商务都有什么课程? 希望能由在迪肯读过书的同学回答 另外 我是第一次去 那边选课怎么选法? 非常感谢!!
不知道要修够多少学分才可以毕业 谢谢

Accounting for Decision Making (B, G, W, X) 1
MAE101 Economic Principles (B, G, W, X) 1
MAE102 The Global Economy (B, G, W, X) 1
MAF101 Fundamentals of Finance (B, G, W, X) 1
MLC101 Business Law (B, G, W, X) 1
MMM132 Management (B, G, W, X) 1
MSC120 Business Information Systems (B, G, W, X) 1
MSQ171 Business Data Analysis (B, G, W, X) 1
MMH299 Business Communication (B, G, W, X) 1
MMK277 Marketing Management (ONLINE) 1
MMI301 Business Internship 1 1
MMI302 Business Internship 2 1
MAE207 International Industry Policy (B) 1
MSC244 Business on the Internet (B, G, W, X, ONLINE) 1
MAE317 International Business Economics (B) 1
MMK358 International Marketing (B, G, W, X) 1
MMM382 International Business (B, G, W, X) 1
选修课程 从下列课程中选2门(共2学分)
MME101 Communication Skills for University Business Studies (B, G, W) 1
MMI301 Business Internship