
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 09:26:36
Five minutes after completing the introduction of the test sample, during which the temperature have returned to that selected, place the selected load on the piston, if it was unloaded or under-loaded yet. Allow the piston to descend under gravity or by hand pressure, depending on the actual viscosity or the material, until a bubble-free filament is extruded. The time for this operation shall not exceed 1 min. Cut off the extrudate with the specified cutting tool, and discard. Continue to allow the loaded piston to descend under gravity. When the lower reference mark has reached the top edge of the cylinder, start the timer, and simultaneously cut off the extrudate with the cutting tool and again discard. Then collect successive cut-offs in order to measure the extrusion rate at time-intervals, depending on the MFR, so chosen that the length of a single cut-off is not less than10mm and preferably between 10mm and 20mm (see cut-off time-intervals in Table 1 as a guide). For materials w

五分钟后完成引进试验样品,在此期间的温度已返回选定的,地点选定的负荷对活塞,如果这是卸下或下载。让活塞下降下,重力或手的压力,视乎实际的粘度或材料,直到泡沫免费长丝是挤压。的时间,此操作不得超过一分钟。切断挤出符合指定的刀具,并舍弃。继续允许加载活塞下降,根据重力。当较低的参考马克已达到的顶部边缘气缸盖,启动计时器,并同时切断挤出与刀具和再次抛弃。然后收集历届割喉式的取舍,以衡量挤出率的时间间隔,视乎有关生产商,所以选择该长度的一个单一的切断是不是更少than10mm和最好之间的一十毫米和二十〇毫米(见的截件时间-区间在表1为指导) 。材料与低价值的生产商,可能无法采取切断与长度为10毫米或以上,最高的时间间隔为240s 。在这种情况下,程序b ,应使用。停止切割时,上马克对活塞干达,他的顶部边缘气缸。摒弃任何切断含有可见气泡。冷却后,权衡利弊,其余的削减取舍,其中应的人数至少有三个,到最近的1毫克个别,并计算他们的平均质量。如果之间的差异,最高和最低值的个人称量超过15 %的平均,抛弃的结果,并重复测试的一个新的部分样本。