
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/29 10:16:06
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_cd00XMTg5MjEyMA==.html 主人公可以无视,就是这歌,听的我心都碎了,可是怎么都找不到,个位大侠帮个忙!!!!!!!

selective memory
歌手:eels 专辑:daisies of the galaxy
If i lay my head down
I will see you in my dream
Wearin that polka dot dress
And sittin by the stream
Leaning in to hear you
You will whisper in my ear
And everything i need to know
I finally hear
I wish i could remember
But my selective memory
Won't let me
To out to the park
And sit out in the fountain
And splash around until it's dark
Days go on forever
When you only know that much
And everything you need to know
Is answered with one touch
I wish i could remember
But my selective memory
Won't let me

Eels - Selective Memory


十年了,我一直在找一个人:“袁小杰” 一直在找的一首歌......绝版了? 我一直都在找一部电影 我一直都在找一张照片 这首歌叫什么名字,我一直在找```` 我的摩托车被扣了,半年了,一直在找他们,结果不知去向,该怎么办? 我一直在找一部关于潜艇的电影。忘了名字 我今年17了,没有找男朋友,也不想找,但我的朋友一直在劝我说你该找个男朋友了。 爸爸在我很小就去世了,我和妈妈一直保持那样关系,现在想找女朋友解脱 我一直在找张瓢虫壁纸!本人很喜欢!!