
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 10:26:46
Lucy is 161cm tall.
My brother cleaned the room at home yesterday.

请根据所给图片并以“My last winter holiday”为题写一篇小短文,描述自己在假期做过的一些有意义或有趣的事情。要求条理清楚,语句连贯,不得少于5句话。

(请动动脑筋吧!你将会有大的收获!Please try!)
at first---_________ up---________ the tallest---______________
fast-----__________ black--________ in front of---______________
on-----___________ open--________ turn off--_________________

1.How tall is Lucy?
2.Who cleaned the room yesterday?
Last winter holiday,I helped my mum with housework.I finished my homework at once.I played football with my friends.We went to visit my grandparents.I have drewn some pictures.I also lisen to the music.I was very happy last winter holiday.
1.at first---at last 2.up -down3.the tallest---the shortest
4.fast-----slow 5.black--white 6.in front of---behind
7.on-----under 8.open--close 9.turn off--turn on

1.What's Lucy height?
2.what did you brother do at home yesterday?

My last winter hoilday I was happy!Beacuse I did a lot of things! I cleaned my room and drew a picture and did my homework and played football and Saw the grandparents,so I was very happy

1.at last 2.down 3.the shortest 4. slow 5.white 6.behind
7.under 8. shut 9. turn on 9.go

1.What is the height of LUCY ?

3、Who was cleaned the room yesterday?