
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 10:55:34
本周末要英语口语考试 求对话稿
1 How do most people in China relax?
2 Why do you think people feel under stress?
3 Do mothers and fathers educate their children differently?
时间紧急 分不多 全在这了
兄弟们 要的是对话啊

1.relaxing is a very personal thing . one way to look at it is as a 'down time' when someone can sift through what has happened during the day and reflect on it. this sort of relaxing may mean eangaging in a hobby, such as gardening, or sitting on a park bench and watching others wind down their days, another approach might be to relax by totally getting away and sitting on a park bench and just watching other people do their own relaxing. i know some people who play badminton or basketball. i really do think it is a personal thing.
2.these days i think we all live too much from our heads rather than from our hearts or our bodies. when we are consumed by our thoughts, and often they are negative, or controlling thoughts, then we leave very little room for positive feelings and a sense of what our purpose may be for living. i think when we succunb to such negativity we become defensive and forget how to love and forgive others and ourselves around us. all of this breeds