
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/17 17:42:30

How to stop the brain drain如何阻止人才外流
Q1: China now faces a keen shortage of qualified personnel(人才), but one batch of gifted people after another has gone abroad. How do you think about this?
A1: Many Chinese students,no matter what their majors were in colleges and universities Most people go abroad to seek their fortunes(赚钱). In order to make money for themselves, a few even take up indecent(不体面的)jobs.
Q2: Many of those who go overseas are college graduates on whom the country has spent a large sum of money. Why should we educate people for other countries?
A2: Yes, they should do their contributions(贡献)to our country. Our country is facing a good opportunity as well as challenge(挑战). We need excellent personnel to give support for our country. If so, we would be developing much faster.
Q3: Our government should try every way to stop the brain drain for the survival of our country. Do you think so?
A3: Some people do not want to contribute to the const