
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 18:43:56
不可否认,“同性恋”作为一部分特殊的人群,的的确确地存在于我们的社会里。在全世界目前的人口中,同性恋的比例约占了3-4%, 其中仅中国的同性恋者就有3600-4800万——这还只是个大致的统计,不包括那些不愿显露身份的同性恋者。在中国,在神秘的面纱下,他们以什麽样的状态在生活着?人们对他们的认知与观点又是否全面与正面?这些都着实成了我们当今不能不谈的话题。

movement developed extremely intensely, however China's homosexuals also hid in the gloomy quoin, in the society certain people did not understand or created ignorantly was still continuing to they unfair matter to occur, long this got down to be able to cause social the contradiction to accumulate and to explode.
Undeniable, “the homosexuality” took part of special crowds, indeed exist in ours society.In the world at present population, the homosexuality proportion has approximately composed 3-4%, in which China's homosexual has 3600 - 48,000,000 - - this also is only only approximate statistics, does not hope the homosexual including these who reveals the status.In China, under in a veil of mystery, what type condition they is living by? People to their cognition and viewpoint whether comprehensive and frontage? These have all really become the topic which we have no alternative but to discuss now.