
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 00:59:23

1. 地震灾情:四川省汶川县于5月12日下午2:28分发生八级强烈地震;截止5月22日,已导致68109人遇难,364552人受伤,许多房屋和学校被毁,500多万人无家可归,生活十分困难。

2. 学生需要帮助,学校需要重建;全世界人民都在努力帮助灾区人民,我们也不例外。

3. 号召学生捐衣服,捐零花钱,义卖(bring-and-buy sale)旧书籍、Mp3等。所有物资和捐款将尽快送往灾区。

4. 你的感想。

On behalf of the Student Union ,now,I will introduce some earthquake situation of the Wenchuan in Sichuan Province.
The disaster condition:A magnitude 8 earquake occurred in Wenchuan in Sichuan Province at 2:28 on the 12th May afternoon.In the end of 22th May,It has already lead to 68,109 people to pass away,364552 people to injure,lots of room and school to be destroyed.5,000,000 people has lost their home,they are suffering from the disater.
The student need help,school need to be rebuilt:people from all over the world is helping
the people in the disaster area as much as possible.So they also need us.
We appeal to the student to make a contribution to
the people.For instance,clothes,money,to make a bring-and-buy sale of the Mp3,old books and so on.We
will deliver the donation to the disaster area as soon as possible.
Even though everyone's support is tiny,China has a population of 1.4 billion.Evey though the disaster is