
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 06:28:13


多少人在一瞬间失去了所有的亲人, 多少人在一瞬间失去了恋人和所有的朋友.
So many people lost the relatives, the sweethearts and all the friends in an instant.

放声大哭, 抱着孩子的尸体, 悲痛地想要一死了之... ...
Bursted out into a flood of tears, hold the cadaver of his child, bitterly wanna have a suicide...

看着母亲未合的双眼, 却无法上前帮助合上, 因为自己也被卡在石缝中... ...
Watched the open eyes of mother, unable to help close her eyelid with own hand, because he himself was also clipped in the gap of stone.

"叔叔,求求你,不要锯我的腿,如果那样我情愿一死,求求你们" 几名救援人员哭了...男儿有泪不轻弹,只是未到伤心处.
"help me, don't saw my leg, I would be no will to go on then, I beg you." Several rescue workers couldn't help crying...
Men don't cry easily, but t