
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 11:59:21

Never had dream come true

Big big world 世界无限大

Yesterday once more 昨日重现

Right here waiting 此情可待

My heart will go on 我心永恒

The colour of the night 夜色

The colour of wind 风之色彩

God is a girl 上帝是个女孩

Pretty boy 漂亮男孩

You are not alone 你不孤单

Promises don t come easy 诺言来之不易

When you believe 心存相信

without you 这个好听。而且要很有技术的才能唱好哦。调调转得很厉害呢。。
还有一个比较轻快的 even heaven cries。。。也好好听的。。。


eversleeping 长眠估计你会喜欢的
When you're gone vitas star
just one last dance
Imogen Heap—Come here boy
A Place Nearby Lene Marlin
I will come to you God is a girl Hero unbreak my heart
eversleeping There You'll Be Faith Hill这几个我都很喜欢的 听下吧

far away from home


楼主是男是女啊?如果是男的我建议唱because you live
如果是女的就唱the day you went away好了,都很好听而且易学。