
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 09:23:50

新年-New Year’s Day
春节-Spring Festival
三八节-International Working Women’s Day
五一节-May Day
五四节-Chinese Youth Day
六一节-International Children’s Day
八一建军节-Army Day
中国共产党成立纪念日-Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China
国庆节-National Day
除夕-the New Year’s eve
守岁-stay up late on the New Year’s eve
九九重阳节-Double Ninth Day
元宵节-Lantern Festival

Spring Festival春节
Dragon Boat Festival端午节
Latern Festival元宵节
Mid-autumn Festival中秋节
Double Ninth Festival重阳节中国传统节日
traditional Chinese festival
Chinese traditional holiday

All traditional Chinese festivals are lunar calendar festivals

祭灶是中国的传统节日, 也称作“小年”。
It is a Chinese traditional holiday to worship the Kitchen God, which is also called the "Small Spring Festival'

**(把**翻译成英语) Festival(传统节日)

