mandarin,local dialects的英语口语讨论 分多

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 03:06:55
Debate: Should children in China be taught mandarin, instead of their local dialects, as their first language?
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I think all children in China should be taught mandarin as their first language. Mandarin is the main Chinese language, on which the spoken and written standard is based. It is called 国语in Taiwan and 华语in Southeast Asia. Kids are taught Mandarin when they start their pre-school education. Since China is a multi-dialect nation and some people from different parts of the country even don't understand each other if they speak their local dialect. Misunderstanding occurs when people from different places talk in their own local dialect. This makes the Chinese government cast the policy that Mandarin should be spoken across the country. A common language shared by people all over the country should benefit people's communication as well as the country's economy.

不干 话题太难了



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