
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/27 18:20:07




薄牛排 Thin Beef Steak

拌菜花 Mixed Cauliflower

荞麦煎饼 Ble Noir

鳄梨生鲑鱼 Avocado and Fresh Salmon

炖小牛肉 Stewed Veal

菠菜乳酪焗生蚝 Braised Oyster with Spinach and Cheese

冰冻茄丁 Frozen Eggplant Dices

白菜薄荷 Cabbage and Mint

菊莴苣色拉 Lettuce Salad

黄瓜粉皮 Cucumber and Vermicelli

烘焙芦笋 Grilled Asparagus with Butter and Cheese

鳀鱼炒香菇 Fried Mushrooms with Anchovy

海带芥末沙司 Kelp and Mustard Salad

鲑鱼奶油冻 Salmon and Butter Jelly

土司 Toast

蘑菇蛋卷 Mushroom and Egg Roll

鸡肉色拉 Chicken Meat Salad

火焰薄饼 Pancake

蛋煎鱼 Fried Fish with Egg

蛋白糖 Egg White and Sugar

马背上的魔鬼 Oyster

马乃司拌莴笋 Mixed lettuce with Mayonnaise

面壳肠子 S