帮我翻译成英语 谢谢啊 在线等答案

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 23:49:59

1. Nothing in common these two people who became friends. This is not because they are from the beginning of mutual love, but because they have to work together and help each other too.
2. In the words read in the encounter, the search from a solution, a solution is based on the context (context) guess the meaning of the word.
1. Over the past decade witnessed the Computer Science and Technology to the dizzying speed of rapid development.
2. Is the development of genetic engineering, the day will come when doctors can use a healthy gene to replace the damaged gene, from cancer anymore because no one will die.
3. It is hard to predict because such patients have a new drug will impact, perhaps from the very beginning we should not have to give him this medicine.
4. The nuclear plant has existed for 20 years, but it 10 years ago suddenly stopped running, is very difficult to understand.
5. Once it computer connected to the Internet, you will find tha