
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 15:59:19
09:00 抵达奉节,游览有诗城美誉的白帝城,拜读被后人评为横绝千古的诗作。体验“刘备托孤”的悲壮。
11点30 船经过雄伟壮观的瞿塘峡,此峡以雄伟著称,出峡处两山陡峭,绝壁相对,犹如雄伟的两扇大门,镇一江怒水。(游船江中漫游,游客可上甲板观光)
14:30 换乘小船游览风光旖旎的神女溪。“江流曲似九回肠”,峰峦叠翠,云遮缭绕,乃峡中之奇,景中之绝。
16:30 游船随之进入巫峡,观峡谷奇峰峭壁,群峰叠嶂,船行其间,忽而大山当前,忽而峰回路转,仰望神女峰的卓越风姿,感神女为民治水和除害的传奇,叹神女与襄王的浪漫。(游船江中漫游,游客可上甲板观光)
18:30 抵达太平溪,换车抵宜昌然后散团。(游客课自费游览人工第八大奇迹—三峡大坝)
09:00_09:30 抵达兴山峡口码头,上岸游览昭君村,群峰林立,岩睿含翠,桐林云涌,领略一代美人的绝代风采,其中昭君出塞的传奇故事一直为后人津津乐道并为之肃然起敬。也可自费游览神农架。(游览神农架的游客需要停留一晚,第二天早上续航)
13:00-14:30 换乘小船游览神女溪,“江流曲似九回肠”,峰峦叠翠,云遮缭绕,乃峡中之奇,景中之绝。返船后游船在江中漫游,游客可上甲板参观。
16:00-17:30 上岸参观文藻胜地张飞庙。
18:00 抵达万州。

不少呀 还没分

Water trip
First day of travel to Wanzhou of Chongqing. Wanzhou live.
The next day, 08:00 Wanzhou sailing.
09:00 arrived at Fengjie, Tour reputation as a city of poetry Baidicheng, read by future generations as Hengjue the poems through the ages. Experience, "Liu Bei Tuogu" tragic.
11:30 ship after Majestic Qutang Xia, the Gap to the majestic, the Gap, the two steep mountains, cliffs relative, like a magnificent two doors, a town's water angrily. (Jiang cruise roam, visitors can tour on the deck)
14:30 transfer boat tour of the Goddess R scenery of the river. "Jiang Liu song like 9 ileum," Pinnacle wins mountain range, cloud cover wind around, Gap is in the singular, King of the no.
16:30 cruise ship then entered the Wu Gorge, the cliffs of Canyon Qifeng, Qunfeng stacked嶂, ship the meantime, the current Huer mountains, Huer Fenghuiluzhuan, look up to the Goddess peak of excellence Fengzi, flu Goddess