
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 09:45:04
currently i'm writing an thesis on poetry

and i'd like to quote a little beautifully composed parts from english novels.

as i myself don't read quite a lot

i need your help to tell me some excerpts from your favorite novels that you deem as boardering on poetry.

a 1000 thk in advance.
you can just copy your excerpt or type it if it's not available on the net

extra credits/points will be added according to your efforts made.

extra credits also will be offered for additional info about the author, or anything you deem as properly needed here.

You cannot touch on poetry without mentioning Byron; an Anglo-Scottish poet and a leading figure in Romanticism.
As you did not mention your preference regarding the type of poems, I make my own choice to give you ‘Childe Harold's Pilgrimage’ which I feel you might like it.

The poem describes the travels and reflections of a world-weary young man who, disillusioned with a life of pleasure and revelry, looks for distraction in foreign lands; in a wider sense, it is an expression of the melancholy and disillusionment felt by a generation weary of the wars of the post-Revolutionary and Napoleonic eras.
The poem was an instant sensation when published, and made Byron famous in England practically overnight. Women, especially, swooned over the poem, fascinated by the character of Childe Harold, his foreboding, and his nameless vices. Lord Byron quickly became the darling of the influential female aristocrats of the day; they recognized bits of Childe Harold in h