
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 13:36:26
不管是作为商业艺术或者纯粹艺术本身,广告总是要呈现出一定时代人们的生存状态和精神追求。广告也正是以它独特的视觉冲击力和艺术感染力,在人们的生存和生活中越来越大的影响着人们。现代人越来越多的依赖于广告了,他们通常会记住让他们印象深刻的广告,然后就是购买这些让人们印象深刻的广告中的产品。本课题就是本着使人耳目一新、印象深刻的目标进行设计创作的。通过设计和优化过往Berry Hoo产品广告,创作出有别于过往Berry Hoo产品的广告,以突出Berry Hoo的产品自身特点为重点,配以新颖独特的思维视角,让消费者重新认识及了解Berry Hoo及其产品。

Whether as a purely commercial art or art itself, the ads will have to show a certain age people's living condition and spiritual pursuit. It is also advertising to the unique visual impact and artistic appeal, in people's survival and life of the growing influence people. Modern people more and more dependent on advertising, they will usually let them remember impressed by the ad and let people buy these is impressive advertising products. This topic is fresh in people, impressed by the creativity of the design goals. Through the design and optimization of the past, Berry Hoo product advertising, to create different from the past, Berry Hoo product advertising, to highlight Berry Hoo products of their own characteristics as the focus, supported by innovative thinking unique perspective which will enable consumers to knowledge and understanding of Berry Hoo And its products.

No matter is takes the commercial art or the pure art itself, the advertisement must alwa