
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 05:09:01
*** STOP: 0x000000A5 (0x00000011,0x00000008,0xF9EA90C0,0x0100000C)每次蓝屏出现的提示。我电脑是XP系统刚装的系统,以前就是频繁重起,装完系统后现在出现频繁蓝屏了请高手指点下该怎么办这是什么意思?(电脑以前是20G的硬盘刚换成40G的还没一星期呢就这样了是硬盘还是主板的事啊?)

0x000000A5:ACPI_BIOS_ERROR ◆错误分析:通常是因为主板BIOS不能全面支持ACPI规范. ◇解决方案:如果没有相应BIOS升级, 那么可在安装Windows 2K/XP时, 当出现\\\\\"press F6 if you need to install a third-party SCSI or RAID driver\\\\\"提示时, 按下F7键, 这样Windows便会自动禁止安装ACPI HAL, 而安装 Standard PC HAL.


现象: stop:0x000000A5 (0X00000011,0X00000006,0X00000000,0X00000000)
the ACPI BIOS in this system is not fully compliant with the ACPI
specification.please read the readme.txt for possible workarounds you
can also contact your system's mamufacturer for an update BIOS,or vist
http://www.hardware-update.com to see if a new BIOS is aviailable.

the BIOS in this system is not fully ACPI compliant.please comtact your
system vendor or visit http://www.hardwa