考试利大于弊 和 考试弊大于利 用英语怎么说

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 13:42:14
考试利大于弊 和 考试弊大于利 用英语怎么说

考试利大于弊:Examination,the pros outweigh the cons.
考试弊大于利:Examination,the cons outweigh the pros.

考试利大于弊:exams do more good than harm
或者the advantages of the test out-weigh the disadvantages
考试弊大于利;exams do more harm than good
The disadvantages of the test out-weigh the advantages

the merits of examination overweigh the harms of it.


例如 Names of reviewers shown in the journals: disadvantages outweigh advantages 科技期刊论文审稿人署名弊大于利

你就可以说 考试弊大于利 examination:disadvantages outweigh advantages

But a lot of people argue that exams do more harm than good.
"Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society

考试利大于弊 There are more pros than cons in exams
考试弊大于利 There are more cons than pros in exams