“The Next Big Thing”in Wireles s Communications:

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/15 06:04:03

Byline: Jason Meyers Toward the end of each year, the editors of Wireless Review take a look at the most compelling trends in wireless, couple that with projections for the coming year, and compile our annual Technology Preview. As interesting and exciting as it is to look forward and prognosticate on what the next year holds in store, it's also intriguing (and often educational) to look back briefly to see how we did last year.We know all about user-generated content, masses of users contributing to burgeoning Web corpus. It’s a manifestation of Web 2.0, the participatory Net, which companies like Google (YouTube), Yahoo (Flickr), Fox (MySpace), etc. are feasting on.

In parallel, users are contributing a potentially far more lucrative Web currency–metadata about themselves. It’s the currency that will help Facebook grow into its $15 billion valuation. In addition, users are also contributing structured (meta) data about data, which will help the semantic Web to flowe