
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/24 09:15:05
就是金喜善和权相佑扮演的角色的小时候 一次在回家路上 下起了雨 然后俊英就用双手给金喜善扮演的角色小时候遮雨 这时候北京想起了音乐 好像是有童声的 哪位知道 谢谢了~
那个小男孩和小女孩在雨中戴着耳机听 电视里小女孩说这是她最喜欢的一首歌

L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very very extraordinary
E is even more than any one that you adore can
LOVE is all that I can give to you
LOVE is more than just a game for you
two in love can make it
take my heart but don't break it
love can make for me and you