
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 10:32:36
问题:Some people think that the use of animal for experimentation is cruel; others think it is good for the development of science. Discuss the two sides and give you opinions.

In current society, it is a well-known fact that science is advance at an amazing speed .But at the same time,controversy has arisen about whether we should use animal for experimentation.Some individuals think is id cruel for animal while others say it can enhance efficiency of science.From my own perspective,I support the latter view.

Granted,it is inhumane to use animal for experimentation.To begin with,the animal is our companions.It is clearly that we can get happiness from our pet.Moreover the animal is also has right to live,their lives can't be controlled by human.the problem of endangered animals is very serious today by the cause of killing animals.

Having said this, However we still need using animal for experimentation is cruel,it is fact that we just use t


这次明显比上次那篇public museum vs computer的要好呢。其中最大的改善之处就是中间两段的结构很清晰,主题句在段首,每个论点都有逻辑顺序的词组引领,看起来满舒服的。另外,开头没有再照抄题目,结尾试图呼应主题等等,都是很不错的进步呢。



问题1:阐述现状的第一句和第二句关系不紧密。从科学快速发展直接就到了动物实验的争论,可以尝试这么写:There has been an increasing trend that animals are engaged in scientific experiments nowadays, which contributes to the boom in science development. However, controversy has arisen at the same time about whether we should use animal for experimentation.

问题2:最后一句点题跟上次的问题差不多,既然说from my own perspective,后面最好说一下具体的观点,不要再说I support the latter view,感觉很罗索。可以写成:From my own perspective, hurting or even killing animals for the purpose of research do more good than harm to both the mankind and the nature.

