:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTE4Njk0MzI=.html 这里面的这首歌. 我想知道什么歌. 哪有下载这首歌的.

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 09:02:30
求助! 拜托了 ···

这首歌叫It's About Time 歌手: Lillix




It's about life...
It's about fun...

I hate you
I love you
I just can't remember to forget you
Who are you?
I need you
You make me feel alive
I die
So high
I'm crawling on ground and
I found I can't fly

One of these days it's all comes together
One of those days that goes on forever
Think I sound crazy maybe whatever
What tale's about?
It's about life
It's about fun
It's over before it has begun
It's about you
It's about me
It's about everything between
And I say
I say good bye to you
I say hi