求 英语对话范文(2分钟左右)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 11:15:18
内容可以是动物 广告 时尚 金钱 罪犯 等

A:Your dog is ao much fun.He's so playful.Iwish our cat enjoyed being around people as much as your dog does

B:Cats are well known for being more independent than dogs.How old is your cat now?You've had her longer than we've had our dog.

A:She's 8years old.She getting quite old.Your dong's six,isn't he?

B:Yes.He's so energetic.We can take him out to the park every morning and evening.I think he'd be happy to stay there all day!

A:I'm sure he would.We usually have to drag him home.

B:Yours cat spends most of the day outdoors,right?Do you know where she goes?

A:She spends less time outdors than she used to.We have no idea where she goes.She's very secretive.Occasionally,she brings back a dead mouse.

B:Have you ever thought about having another pet?

A: No,never.

A 你家的狗真好玩。他很好动。真希望我家的猫能像他那样喜欢围着人转。

B 大家都知道猫比狗更独立一些。你家的猫多大了?她来你家的时间比我家够来我家的时间长